Hearing Aids and Amplification

Hearing aids are medical devices regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and must be recommended, prescribed, and fit by licensed professionals. This standard is in place to protect the individual with hearing loss, because not all individuals are candidates for hearing aids. There are hundreds of hearing aids available with a wide variety of features. An audiologist not only uses advanced diagnostic testing to determine your type of hearing loss, but can use this information to determine the best hearing aid solution for your specific needs and budget.

Digital hearing aids utilize tiny computer processors. They can be programmed, but if they are not adjusted correctly for your specific hearing loss, you could purchase a hearing aid and not receive the full benefit. An audiologist who follows best practices and uses the correct verification equipment has the expertise to program your hearing aids for your individual hearing needs.

Hearing instruments sit behind the ear or inside the ear canal. Certain models are virtually invisible. The severity of your hearing loss may determine which kind of aid you need, but we also take comfort and preference into account when you choose which hearing aid is right for you.